Water: The best elixir.

Water is the best known elixir and its the main component of the human body. Adequate and regular water

consumption has a lot of
health benefits as it has no calories, no fat, no carbohydrates, no sugar.
All health experts recommend drinking at least eight to ten glasses of water a day in order to maintain good
health. Here are some benefits;

Weight Loss

Water helps you to lose weight in a fast and better

manner. Water helps to flush out the by-products of fat.

Also when you drink water, your stomach becomes full

and you do not feel the tendency to eat more. And the

most important thing about water is that it does not

contain any calorie.

 Healthy Skin

Water keeps the body well hydrated which promotes

healthier and younger looking skin. This happens

because water helps to replenish skin tissues,

moisturizes skin and increases the elasticity in your

skin. When the body gets enough water, your skin will

feel moisturized and it will look fresh, soft, glowing and


Headaches and Migraines
In case of migraine problem, the first

thing  you can do to get some comfort is to drink

plenty of water. In most cases, the main reason behind

headaches and migraines is dehydration.

Solves Bad Breath

Bad breath is a clear sign that your body needs more

water. Your saliva helps your teeth free from bacteria

and keeps our tongue hydrated. So, whenever you suffer

from bad breath, the first thing that you need to do is

drink plenty of water. Also you can use water to rinse

your mouth properly to get rid of food particles and

bacteria that may be stuck in between your teeth and

gum line.


  1. idowu oluwatoyin30 June 2014 at 07:57

    So informative and educative, your blog is of great importance that involves healthy, fitness and well-being of individuals in our society.
    whatever you do, don't stop blogging, a great work.


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