Making your own simple first aid kit

A first aid kit is a collection of supplies and equipment for use in giving first aid. It’s important to have your own first aid kit in your home, so you can deal with minor accidents, injuries and emergencies. It can be purchased at drug stores or assembled on your own.

Kits often come in durable plastic boxes, fabric pouches etc. First aid kit should be kept in a cool dry place, easy to locate areas in the house and out of reach for younger children. Kits should also be checked regularly and restocked if any items are damaged or expired.

Contents of a basic first aid kit are:

Bandages in different sizes and shapes

Cleaning wipes, cotton balls, cotton swabs, clean towel

Gauze dressing

Safety pins

Disposable sterile gloves

Scissors and tweezers

Antiseptic solution

Hand sanitizer

Aloe vera gel, calamine lotion, petroleum jelly
Skin rash cream

Cream or spray to relieve insect bites and stings

Painkillers such as paracetamol, aspirin, anti-diarrhea medication, eye drops

Cough medicine

Water for cleaning wounds


Duct tape


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