Cosmetic contact lenses: beautiful but dangerous

Many people wear cosmetic contact lenses in the name of fashion without knowing the side effects. Cosmetic lenses are not bad but improper use can be dangerous.

A contact lens is a thin lens placed directly on the surface of the eye either to correct vision or for cosmetic purposes. The cosmetic contact lenses are non corrective lenses which are used to change the colour and appearance of the eyes and do not have any medical properties to correct vision.

 Cosmetic contact lenses are inserted directly into the cornea of the eyes and if improperly fitted, cleaned or handled can cause serious damage to the eye.
The potential risks of cosmetic contact lenses are as follows.
Using contact lenses that are unsuitable for the eyes or using them incorrectly can cause serious eye problems including corneal ulcers and infections. Uncontrolled infections can lead to vision impairment. Blindness and eye loss may result.

The lens covers more of the eye than regular corrective lenses, which makes it difficult for necessary oxygen to get through to the eye.

Improper use of cosmetic lens may cause conjunctivitis, swelling and allergic reactions.

Long term use of cosmetic lenses can cause disruption of the cornea morphology.

If you must use contact lens, it is important to wash your hands before putting them on. It is essential that you visit an eye care professional for a proper contact lens fitting. Avoid buying lenses from street vendors, salons, boutiques etc.
“You have only two eyes, so you had better look after them” –David Craig.


  1. Five stars for this post.
    look after your eye. :D

  2. This is awesome, a simple truth!


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