Dealing with embarasing body problems

Everybody’s got something they’d like to change about their body. Sometimes our bodies have a mind of their own and most of us suffer from embarrassing personal problems that occur at inappropriate times.
An embarrassing health problem may be the last thing you want to talk about, but it can be very unpleasant and can even lead to significant social embarrassment when it’s left unattended to.
The following are the most common body flaws and what can be done to combat them.

Body odor
 Strong or offensive body odor is a problem and being a sensitive topic, it’s not openly discussed. Body odor often occurs when there is inadequate hygiene to properly clean up the messes our bodies make. It can be treated by bathing regularly with antibacterial soap. Focus on the underarms and your feet. Use antiperspirant and deodorants. After sweating, wipe yourself with clean towel. Wear the right fabric like cotton and silk. Avoid reusing the same clothing over and over without washing. Also, shave your underarms.

Bad breath
 Bad breath can result from poor dental habits, types of food you eat and unhealthy lifestyle habits. It can be treated by brushing your teeth, gum and tongue twice a day. Cut down on sugary foods and drinks, as it can increase the amount of bacteria in the mouth. Stop smoking. Reduce alcohol consumption. Drink plenty of water to help prevent your mouth becoming dry. Avoid stinky foods like onions, garlic, alcohol and tobacco.

 Hiccups are involuntary contraction of the diaphragm. Each contraction is followed by sudden closure of the vocal cord which produces a ‘hic’ sound. It’s caused by eating too much food too quickly, drinking too much alcohol, swallowing too much air, excitement etc. it can be controlled by holding your breath and counting slowly to 10. Quickly drinking a glass of cold water. Eating a tablespoon of honey.


  1. This will go a long way to improve the knowledge about hygiene,it's awesome.

  2. This will go a long way to improve the knowledge about hygiene,it's awesome.


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