Alcoholism and its health risks.

Alcoholism is a chronic disease that involves inability to control alcohol consumption.

It occurs mostly among teens, young adults and adults. Alcoholism is dangerous to the health because alcohol misuse has the potential to damage all the organs in the body. It depresses the central nervous system, causes liver and heart diseases, digestive problems, diabetes, birth defects, eye problems and increased risk of cancer. It also affects speech, emotions, judgement skills leading to poor choices and dangerous situations like motor accidents, domestic problems, poor performance at school or work, increased likelihood of committing violent crimes. A person that has alcoholism is known as an alcoholic.

Genetics, physiological, social and environmental factors influences the misuse of alcohol.

Being unable to limit the amount of alcohol you drink, feeling strong need to drink, developing tolerance to alcohol so that you need more to feel its effect, drinking alone and hiding your drinking, experiencing symptoms like nausea, sweating, and shaking when you dont drink, keeping alcohol in unlikely places at home, work or in the car, having problems with relationships, employment, or finances due to drinking.

Coping with alcoholism requires changing habits and making lifestyle changes. Its important to avoid things that involve alcohol, seek professional help/ counseling on how to control drinking, and most importantly, seek medical help.


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