Hazards of caffeinated drinks.

Caffeinated drink or caffeinated beverage is a drink which contains caffeine , a stimulant which is legal and popular in most countries. In foods, caffeine is used as an ingredient in soft drinks, energy drink and other beverages. The most common naturally occuring caffeinated beverage is coffee. Other drinks that contain caffeine include coca cola, Pepsi, mountain dew, nescafe, energy drinks like red bull etc. Some candies, chewing gum and chocolate bars also contain caffeine.

People use caffeine to improve mental alertness and decrease fatigue. This is very common among students. It is also used for treating simple headaches and migraine, for treating asthma, type 2 diabetes and weight loss. It also acts as a source of healthful antioxidant acting against some free radicals in the body.

Caffeine works by stimulating the central nervous system, heart, muscle, and centres that control blood pressure.

However, caffeine consumption could be addictive and too much consumption has some side effects like:

Lack of sleep
Accelerates bone loss at the spine in women
High blood pressure and stroke
Headaches and migraines
Decreased alertness
Heart disease

In order to reduce the potential dangers of caffeine, moderation is the key. Too much of anything is not good, so consumption of caffeinated beverages should be in moderation.

It's also possible to stay alert without taking caffeine. The following tips can help you stay alert.
Taking a walk
Listening to music
Light stretching exercises.


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