Medicinal benefits of quail eggs

Quail egg is considered to be the best known natural treatment product as it is packed with vitamins and minerals. A lot of studies have been conducted on the therapeutic uses of quail eggs and it has been proven that regular consumption of quail eggs can help in the prevention, cure and treatment of several diseases.

Even though small in size compared to chicken and duck eggs, the nutritional content of quail eggs is many fold greater. Unlike chicken eggs, the quail egg contains five times more phosphorus, 7.5 times more iron, 15 times more vitamin B2 and six times more vitamin B1. They also contain calcium, zinc, sulfur, and potassium. It is excellent for revitalizing the body at any age, postnatal period, after surgery etc.

Quail eggs are not recommended not only for those who suffer from diseases, it’s also good for maintaining a healthy body. Quail eggs can be prepared by boiling. The benefits of quail egg consumption are:

It’s a remedy against digestive tract disorders such as ulcers.

Improves skin colour and strengthens hair.

Can help cure anemia increasing hemoglobin level and removes toxins from the blood. It also improves blood quality.

Helps in treatment of tuberculosis, asthma, diabetes.

Helps inhibit cancer growth.

Helps eliminate and remove stones from the liver, kidneys and gallbladder. It also improves liver functions.

It accelerates recuperation after blood stroke and helps strengthen heart muscle.

It’s a powerful stimulant of sexual potency.

Promotes good memory, enhance brain activity and regulate nervous system.

Treatment of obesity.

Strengthens the immune system.

Boots immune system of HIV/AIDS patients.


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