How to get smooth and glowing facial skin.

At birth, our facial skin is smooth, soft and flawless just like silk, but over the years this changes. The sun, cold weather, dry air, stress, cosmetics, poor diet, environmental pollutants can take a toll on the facial skin’s texture leaving it dry. Beautiful, soft, smooth and glowing skin doesn’t come with expensive products or salon treatments, it only require making a few changes to your daily routine and few products. The following are easy steps you can employ to regain the smooth skin on your face.

Cleanse and exfoliate.

One of the most important things to do to have a smooth face is to clean it regularly. Clean your face twice a day using a cleanser in the morning and before going to bed at night. It’s also important to remove makeup before going to sleep using face wipes. If you don’t remove makeup, your skin becomes dull and is more likely to breakout. Exfoliating is also very important to remove dead cells accumulated in the skin. Exfoliating can be done by applying facial scrub then washing with cold water.


Steaming once a week opens up the skin pores and removes impurities deep down the pores. It also boosts circulation of blood which reproduces healthy skin cells. It can be easily done at home. Simply get a bowl of hot water, keep a towel on your head and lower your face on the steam. The towel will avoid steam from escaping. Make sure your face is not too close to the water.


Moisturizing helps the top layer of the skin retains moisture which in turn allows it to stay smooth. The best time to moisturize is right after your shower. Moisturizers comes in different brand, just know the right one for your skin type before applying.

Protect yourself against the sun using sunscreen (SPF) before going outside.

Maintain a proper diet. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables .

Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water.

Quit habits like smoking.


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