Home Remedy

A home remedy is a treatment that employs certain spices, fruits, vegetables or other common items to cure a disease. Home remedies may
or may not have medicinal properties. A significant number, however, have been demonstrated to effectively treat some common ailments.

The following are some common ailments with their home remedies.

Sore throat and cough. Mixing a small amount of salt in a cup of warm water and gargling can help to reduce throat irritation. Also, mixing honey and lemon juice can be effective in treating coughs and sore throat.

Migraine and headache. Applying an ice pack to the painful area of your head, taking a warm shower, massaging the painful area and sleeping in a dark quiet room can help to relief headache without medication.

Acne. Applying aloe vera gel can be of great help. Washing the face with warm water then applying honey. Leave it on the face for 30 minutes, then washing with warm water. Also, rubbing a slice of lemon on the affected area can help clean out the dirt in the pores.

Cold. Inhaling a lot of steam can help to ease your drippy nose and congestion. Boil some water and breathe the steam through your nose. Eating garlic has also been proven to ease cold.

Tooth ache. A toothache caused by a blow or mild infection might go away on its own by making a rinse with warm water and salt. Applying ice on the affected area can also ease the pain.

Constipation. Squeezing the juice of 1 lemon into 1 cup of warm water and drinking can help to relieve constipation.


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