Detox: the body's reset button.

Are you struggling with unexplained fatigue, irritated skin, allergies, or can’t seem to lose weight?.... It might
be time for a body detox.

Body detoxification is about resting, cleaning and nourishing the body from inside out. It makes the eye sparkle, skin glow, boosts energy level, protects the body from diseases and even makes you lose weight.

Detox is done by removing impurities from the blood in the liver, where toxins that are harmful to the body are processed for elimination.
Detox can be done for 3 days or more for every 3 or 4 months.

Natural ways of detoxifying the body includes:

Fasting: this will help to rest the organs.

Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables

Drinking lots of water

Exercise so that your body can eliminate waste through perspiration

Do not take unnecessary drugs

Do not smoke or take alcohol

Stay away from sugary food and drinks

Get enough sleep


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