False health facts

When it comes to the facts about staying healthy, misinformation is rampant. Everyone has heard the saying
“an apple a day keeps the doctor away” and so on. But is all of it really true?
Of the range of health myths, here are the common ones.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away:     Apples don’t have a magical ingredient that ensures perfect health. But through good nutrition, of which eating appropriate servings of fruit is a part, you can probably reduce the amount of time you spend in the doctor’s office.

You only use 10 percent of your brain:              So not true. Our brains are always active and unless there’s brain damage, there is no part of the brain that is absolutely not functioning. You might only use one part of your brain to complete a task. But even if a small part of our brain is damaged, it can leave us disabled. There’s no physical way we could actually function with 10% of our brain in use.

Sitting too close to the TV will damage your eyes: False. There’s no optimal distance for watching TV, so sit where you like. Crowding the screen may annoy your family, but it won’t hurt your eyes.

Fried food and chocolate causes acne: Not true. Those aren’t the cause of pimples. Increase production of sebum, an oily substance that can lead to the overgrowth of bacteria causes pimples.

Eating after 8pm will make you more likely to gain weight: False. There’s no specific metabolic difference about that time of the day. What will make you gain weight is eating too much, regardless of the hour.


  1. Good to know the Truth after been lied to for ages.
    thanks haven


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