
Pink-eye also known as conjunctivitis or Apollo is a very common and highly contagious eye infection, most
especially among children.It is the inflammation of the membrane lining the eyelids (conjunctiva) caused by an infection or allergic reaction. It is easily treated and can often be avoided.
Common symptoms include

Discharge from the eye

Excessive tearing

Eye pain and irritation

Redness of the eye

To prevent the spread of pink-eye, the sufferer should wash their hands frequently, and should not try to touch or rub the affected eye at all.
Avoid sharing towels or washcloths.
Dispose tissues and wipes which have been used on the infected eye.

Without treatment most cases of pink-eye clear on their own within a week. It’s important to bath the eyes with cool, clean water, this may be soothing. Lubricant eyedrops may also reduce eye discomfort. It’s advisable to see a doctor if symptoms get worse.

Disregard false myths about gross ways of treating pink-eye e.g. urine.


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