Ebola virus: preventive measures

Ebola virus

Ebola virus disease (EVD) also known as Ebola hemorrhagic fever is a severe and often deadly illness that occurs in humans and primates (e.g. monkeys and gorilla).

The disease has been so far limited to parts of Africa and has already killed 660 people across West Africa. Recently, its spread to Lagos, Nigeria has been confirmed.

EVD is caused by Ebola virus. The disease can be passed to humans from infected animals and animal materials. It can also be spread between humans by close contact with infected body fluids or blood and by contact with contaminated medical equipment such as needles.

Early symptoms include headache, fever, nausea, chills, diarrhea, sore throat, vomiting, backache, fatigue, arthritis.

Late symptoms include bleeding from the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, rectum, eye swelling, genital swelling, feeling of pain in the skin, rash over the entire skin that contains blood, and the roof of mouth looks red.

There is no known cure for EVD. It is therefore of utmost importance to avoid contracting the disease.

Avoid areas in which there are epidemics. Wear a gown, gloves and masks around patients.

Avoid buying food stuffs, clothing and other personal materials from markets that share vicinity with live or roasted bush meat sellers.

Avoid bush meat consumption .

Wash your hand frequently with soap and water .

Avoid bat meats and bats products

Be careful with hands when using railings on the stairs, door knobs and other utilities used by the public .


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