Dealing with obesity: Diet and fitness

Obesity is a condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have a negative effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and increased health problems.
Obesity is caused by excessive food intake, lack of physical activity and genetics. Obesity when not taken care of causes life threatening diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer and so on.

The main treatment for obesity is dieting and fitness (exercising). To reduce overall body fat through diet, the following suggestions should be considered.

Focus on proteins and vegetables when selecting your meals and snacks.

Cut down the size of your breakfast, lunch and dinner, and add a snack in between. By breaking up your meals in this manner, you are allowing your body to digest your meals fully and increasing your metabolism.

Drink lots of water.

Cut down on processed foods, junks, and fried foods.

Eat more fiber. Some good sources of fiber include fruits and vegetables.

It’s also necessary to exercise to shed pounds.
Doing resistance training and cardio workouts helps you lose fat. Resistance training includes weight lifting. Cardio workouts include running, biking, swimming, and even dancing. Do one of these activities for half an hour four times a week. Also, take the stairs instead of elevator, drive less and take public transport to work, take a walk during breaks.


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