Toxic beauty

We all want to look good and in the process we use a dozen or more cosmetics and skin care products in the pursuit of
beauty, ranging from soaps, lotions etc. But there are some dangers lurking on the road to looking good. Many of these skin care products contain some dangerous ingredients that could be carcinogenic. Some of these toxins are



Alpha hydroxyl acids and beta hydroxyl acids

These common ingredients are found in many creams and lotions because they claim to brighten the skin by reducing melanin, reduce wrinkles, spots and other signs of aging. But long term use of these ingredients can cause damages such as swelling, rash, itching, skin discoloration and cancer to the skin.
These dangers can be avoided by:

Staying away from bleaching creams

Stop using a product right away if you have a reaction such as stinging, redness or bleeding.

Buy products with good label information.

Keep cosmetics and skin care products out of the sun and heat. Light and heat can kill the preservatives that help to fight bacteria.

Get rid of expired products.


  1. I love this. very informative, short and relevant

  2. A nice write up.


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