
Showing posts from 2014

Candidiasis: Yeast infection.

Candida is the scientific name for yeast. It is a fungus that lives everywhere, including in the body. Normally, the body’s immune system keeps yeast under control. But sometimes yeast can multiply and cause an infection. Yeast infections can affect different parts of the body. The most common site is the genitals in both men and women. Yeast infection of the genital is called candidiasis. It is more common in women and affects the vagina. The yeast that causes this infection is called Candida which is a naturally occurring microorganism in the vaginal area. If there is an imbalance in the body system, these bacteria won’t work effectively. This leads to overgrowth of yeast, which causes the symptoms of vaginal yeast infection to be present.  The imbalance that allows the overgrowth of yeast can happen due to: Use of antibiotics, pregnancy, diabetes, poor hygiene, using too many cleansing products, eating too much sugary foods, stress, lack of sleep etc. The symptoms of this i

Hazards of caffeinated drinks.

Caffeinated drink or caffeinated beverage is a drink which contains caffeine , a stimulant which is legal and popular in most countries. In foods, caffeine is used as an ingredient in soft drinks, energy drink and other beverages. The most common naturally occuring caffeinated beverage is coffee. Other drinks that contain caffeine include coca cola, Pepsi, mountain dew, nescafe, energy drinks like red bull etc. Some candies, chewing gum and chocolate bars also contain caffeine. People use caffeine to improve mental alertness and decrease fatigue. This is very common among students. It is also used for treating simple headaches and migraine, for treating asthma, type 2 diabetes and weight loss. It also acts as a source of healthful antioxidant acting against some free radicals in the body. Caffeine works by stimulating the central nervous system, heart, muscle, and centres that control blood pressure. However, caffeine consumption could be addictive and too much consumption has

Sleep talking: what really happens.

Have you ever been told you talk loudly in your sleep, unaware that you ever spoke a word? This occurrence is known as sleep talking. We spend a third of our lives sleeping. Sleep is very important to the human body and the mind to function properly. Our brain use this time to sort out information that we have gathered during our waking hours. However, there are many disorders associated with sleep, an example is sleep talking which is harmless but can be very annoying to the person sleeping next to them. Sleep talking is also known as somniloquy. It is the act of speaking during sleep. It is a very common occurrence and it's not usually considered a medical problem. Somniloquy can be quite loud, ranging from simple sounds to long speeches and can occur many times during sleep. Listeners may or may not be able to understand what the person is saying. Each night, the body transitions between the five stages of sleep. There are four stages of non rapid eye movement and one s

Alcoholism and its health risks.

Alcoholism is a chronic disease that involves inability to control alcohol consumption. It occurs mostly among teens, young adults and adults. Alcoholism is dangerous to the health because alcohol misuse has the potential to damage all the organs in the body. It depresses the central nervous system, causes liver and heart diseases, digestive problems, diabetes, birth defects, eye problems and increased risk of cancer. It also affects speech, emotions, judgement skills leading to poor choices and dangerous situations like motor accidents, domestic problems, poor performance at school or work, increased likelihood of committing violent crimes. A person that has alcoholism is known as an alcoholic. CAUSES Genetics, physiological, social and environmental factors influences the misuse of alcohol. SYMPTOMS Being unable to limit the amount of alcohol you drink, feeling strong need to drink, developing tolerance to alcohol so that you need more to feel its effect, drinking alone an

Heart burn/acid reflux.

Acid reflux also known as heart burn is a burning pain in the chest, just behind the breastbone. It happens when

Food poisoning

Food poisoning also called food borne illness is any illness that results from eating contaminated food. CAUSES Food poisoning is caused by harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites, contaminants and toxins which include salmonella, listeria, E.coli enteris, shigella, cholera and so on. It can affect one person or a group of people who all ate the same food. It is more common after eating at picnics, school cafeterias, large social functions, or restaurants. When germs get into the food, it is called contamination. This can happen in different ways Meat or poultry can come into contact with bacteria from the intestine of an animal that is being processed. Preparing food without washing the hands and other cooking utensils properly. Dairy products that have been out of the refrigerator for too long. Raw fruits and vegetables that have not been washed properly Undercooked meat and eggs. Water from a well or stream that has not been treated. SYMPTOMS The symptoms of food poiso

Risks associated with Body arts: tattoos and piercing

In recent years, body arts like tattoos and piercing have become more and more popular. Tattoos and body piercing are one of the ways people express their style.

Diabetes: How to reduce your risk.

Diabetes mellitus simply known as diabetes is a diseases in which there are high sugar levels in the blood over a prolonged period of time.

High blood pressure management.

High blood pressure or hypertension is a chronic medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is elevated.

How to perform CPR

CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) is a lifesaving technique useful in many emergencies including heart attack or near drowning, in which someone’s breathing or heartbeat has stopped. Learning how to perform CPR can save lives. After someone stops breathing, he or she can survive for only 4 to 6 minutes before lack of oxygen results in brain damage or death. It’s far better to do something than to do nothing at all. Remember, the difference between your doing something and doing nothing could be someone’s life. CPR consists of chest compression and rescue breathing. The first thing to do to help an unconscious victim is to check if he/her is really unconscious. Call out to them, tap them and gently shake them to try and provoke a response. You should also check for signs of breathing. If their chest is not rising or falling, there’s a good chance they’ve stopped breathing and will need CPR. The next thing to do is to have someone call for medical assistance so they’ll be

How to get smooth and glowing facial skin.

At birth, our facial skin is smooth, soft and flawless just like silk, but over the years this changes. The sun, cold weather, dry air, stress, cosmetics, poor diet, environmental pollutants can take a toll on the facial skin’s texture leaving it dry. Beautiful, soft, smooth and glowing skin doesn’t come with expensive products or salon treatments, it only require making a few changes to your daily routine and few products. The following are easy steps you can employ to regain the smooth skin on your face. Cleanse and exfoliate. One of the most important things to do to have a smooth face is to clean it regularly. Clean your face twice a day using a cleanser in the morning and before going to bed at night. It’s also important to remove makeup before going to sleep using face wipes. If you don’t remove makeup, your skin becomes dull and is more likely to breakout. Exfoliating is also very important to remove dead cells accumulated in the skin. Exfoliating can be done by applyin

Medicinal benefits of quail eggs

Quail egg is considered to be the best known natural treatment product as it is packed with vitamins and minerals. A lot of studies have been conducted on the therapeutic uses of quail eggs and it has been proven that regular consumption of quail eggs can help in the prevention, cure and treatment of several diseases.

Making your own simple first aid kit

A first aid kit is a collection of supplies and equipment for use in giving first aid. It’s important to have your own first aid kit in your home, so you can deal with minor accidents, injuries and emergencies. It can be purchased at drug stores or assembled on your own. Kits often come in durable plastic boxes, fabric pouches etc. First aid kit should be kept in a cool dry place, easy to locate areas in the house and out of reach for younger children. Kits should also be checked regularly and restocked if any items are damaged or expired. Contents of a basic first aid kit are: Bandages in different sizes and shapes Cleaning wipes, cotton balls, cotton swabs, clean towel Gauze dressing Safety pins Disposable sterile gloves Scissors and tweezers Antiseptic solution Hand sanitizer Aloe vera gel, calamine lotion, petroleum jelly Skin rash cream Cream or spray to relieve insect bites and stings Painkillers such as paracetamol, aspirin, anti-diarrhea medicat

Dealing with embarasing body problems

Everybody’s got something they’d like to change about their body. Sometimes our bodies have a mind of their own and most of us suffer from embarrassing personal problems that occur at inappropriate times.

Miracle plant: moringa oleifera

Moringa oleifera is popularly known in many countries as a miracle plant because of its nutritional and medicinal properties. It’s a fast growing, evergreen, drought-resistant plant which grows primarily in tropical, subtropical and semi-arid climate.

Cosmetic contact lenses: beautiful but dangerous

Many people wear cosmetic contact lenses in the name of fashion without knowing the side effects. Cosmetic lenses are not bad but improper use can be dangerous.

Dealing with obesity: Diet and fitness

Obesity is a condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have a negative effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and increased health problems.

Ebola virus: preventive measures

Ebola virus Ebola virus disease (EVD) also known as Ebola hemorrhagic fever is a severe and often deadly illness that occurs in humans and primates (e.g. monkeys and gorilla).

Home Remedy

A home remedy is a treatment that employs certain spices, fruits, vegetables or other common items to cure a disease. Home remedies may

Hand Hygiene

Everyday our hands come into contact with millions of micro-organisms called bacteria. Health experts confirmed

Detox: the body's reset button.

Are you struggling with unexplained fatigue, irritated skin, allergies, or can’t seem to lose weight?.... It might


Pink-eye also known as conjunctivitis or Apollo is a very common and highly contagious eye infection, most

Toxic beauty

We all want to look good and in the process we use a dozen or more cosmetics and skin care products in the pursuit of

Sweet poison

Too much of anything is not a good thing. When it comes to sugar, it’s important to know what you are putting

False health facts

When it comes to the facts about staying healthy, misinformation is rampant. Everyone has heard the saying

Stay cancer-free.

Cancer is a class of disease characterized by out-of-control cell growth. There are no proven ways

Water: The best elixir.

Water is the best known elixir and its the main component of the human body. Adequate and regular water consumption has a lot of

Welcome to Gold's haven

Hi there, welcome to my blog..... Gold's haven. Its a blog for everyone who cares about health and fitness. I invite you to come back and check out the blog, feel free to post your comments and suggestions. Thanks. Wura.